
Are More Scientists Questioning Man Made Climate Change

The claim: Man-acquired climate change is a hoax

President Joe Biden pledged during a virtual climate summit, held on Globe Twenty-four hours, to cutting U.S. greenhouse gas pollution to help mitigate a global climate crunch.

The goal is to have 2030 emissions be half the level of 2005.

"The science is undeniable," Biden said during the April 22 summit. "The cost of inaction keeps mounting."

But some nevertheless deny.

Climate skeptics don't believe climate change is caused past humans, despite overwhelming scientific bear witness to support the conclusion. Some don't acknowledge global warming is happening at all.

One Facebook user posted on Apr 19 claiming, among other things, that "man-made climatic change (is a) scam."

"Don't you dare question it though or you will be branded a 'Climate change denier' and you lot shall be canceled for it," the user wrote.

The Facebook account that posted the claim did non respond to a request for annotate.

Globe Solar day:Biden promises 50% reduction in US greenhouse emissions

What is global warming?

While natural forces can contribute to global temperature changes, scientific data evidence warming has accelerated since the mid-20th century.

The "hockey stick" graph introduced in 1998 in the journal Nature shows relatively apartment temperature fluctuations over hundreds of years before a sharp incline, specially over the past 50 years.

The graph has been controversial among climate skeptics just was endorsed in 2006 by the National Academy of Sciences.

Near scientists say the sharp incline is related to man-fabricated emissions in the post-industrial menses. That is a result of the "greenhouse result," where the planet warms every bit gases that cake heat from escaping build up in the temper.

Carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere from human activities has increased by 47% since the start of the Industrial Revolution, according to NASA. Build-ups of water vapor, methyl hydride, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons also are contributing to the greenhouse effect.

As the planet has warmed, weather condition patterns have changed; melting glaciers and ice sheets have raised ocean levels; and heat waves have become longer and more intense.

"On Earth, homo activities are irresolute the natural greenhouse," says a NASA website on the causes of climate change.

President Joe Biden shut down oil and gas lease sales from the nation's vast public lands and waters in his first days in office, citing worries about climate change. Now his administration has to figure out what do with the multi-billion dollar program without crushing a significant sector of the U.S. economy.

Scientific consensus

While climate deniers suggest the causes of climate change are uncertain, scientists take concluded with a high degree of certainty that the ascendant cause of warming is human-produced greenhouse gases produced by humans becoming trapped in the atmosphere.

A synthesis of The Climate Scientific discipline Special Written report: Fourth National Climate Assessment says it is "extremely likely" – meaning at least 95% – that unprecedented concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere driven past economic and population growth since the pre-industrial era are the dominant cause of warming.

In brusk, humans are causing climatic change.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change, established past the Un in 1988, assembled the written report. Merely other government research and scientific organizations have reached the same decision.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Assistants, NASA, the National Science Foundation, the National Research Council and the Ecology Protection Agency all agree "World is warming mainly due to the increment in human-produced heat-trapping gases," according to a post on NOAA's website.

NOAA also points to a 2004 study in the periodical Science, backed up in a 2016 review newspaper, that examined 928 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals. None of the papers disagreed with the consensus.

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A 2018 Congressional Research Service report summarizing the "evolving assessments" of the causes of climate change since the early on 19th century said this: "Current climate scientific assessment states loftier confidence (extremely likely) that human being influence is the dominant cause of the observed warming over the past half-century."

The study said the conclusion is relatively recent, in part because of meliorate science. That includes improve measurement technologies, the development of better simulation models and longer series of observations.

"Nosotros take independent evidence that says when yous put in greenhouse gases, you become the changes that we see," Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, said in a Columbia Climate School State of the Planet blog from 2017. "If you don't put in greenhouse gases, you don't. And if y'all put in all the other things people think about — the changes in the earth's orbit, the bounding main circulation changes, El Niño, land use changes, air pollution, smog, ozone depletion — all of those things, none of them actually produce the changes that we see in multiple information sets across multiple areas of the organization, all of which have been independently replicated."

President Biden signed executive actions tied to combating climate change, including elevating climate change as a national security concern.

Our rating: Simulated

The merits that  human-caused climate alter is a hoax is FALSE, based on our research. The scientific consensus is that climatic change is a product of human-produced gases that trap heat on Earth. Both government organizations and papers in scientific journals have concluded with a high degree of certainty that climate change is man-made.

Our fact-check sources:

  •, accessed April 22, Hockey stick bend
  • The New York Times, June 22, 2006, "Science Console Backs Study on Warming Climate"
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Assistants, Aug. xiv, 2020, Climate Change: Almanac greenhouse gas index
  • NASA, accessed April 22, "Causes of climate change"
  • NASA, accessed April 22, "Effects of climatic change"
  • NASA, accessed Apr 22, "Scientific consensus on climate change"
  • Climate Science Special Report, accessed April 22, 4th National Climate Assessment (NCA4), Volume I
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Alter, accessed April 22, Climate change 2014 Synthesis Report Summary for Policymakers
  • Bloomberg, June 24, 2015, "What's Really Warming the World?"
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Assistants, Feb. iii, 2020, "Isn't there a lot of disagreement amongst climate scientists almost global warming?"
  • Congressional Enquiry Service, Feb. 1, 2018, "Evolving Assessments of Human and Natural Contributions to Climate Change"
  • Columbia Climate School State of the Planet web log, April 4, 2017, "How Nosotros Know Today'south Climate Change Is Not Natural"

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Are More Scientists Questioning Man Made Climate Change,


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